Monthly Archives: April 2021


Six months ago they arrived in a constant flow ,with autumn colours then and they decorated the house and cramped every vase and receptacle available.Of course,they died ,their organic imprint didn’t leave the house because they were sent to this house of mourning.

Now,six months on ,I still remember those blooms upon our stools and hearth,I knew exactly where they were in the room .

Now,six months on ,blooms decorate the the same stool but inside the colours summer beckons me to approach .Not entirely knowing to envisage summer this year without him,I lose myself in the flowers ,sent by his nearest and dearest.This perpetual flora,this scent of hope,this serenity of silence.

Thank you blooms ,thank you.

You don’t have to be …..

You do not have to be a monarchist to appreciate what Prince Phillip achieved.

You don’t have to be that entitled,

You don’t have to be privileged,

You don’t have to be Rich,

You don’t have to be educated,

You don’t have to have to be religious,

You don’t have to be British,

You don’t have to be from Windsor,

You just have to be fair minded,

You just have to be human,

You just have to have vision,

Anyone who has been associated with the Duke Of Edinburgh awards scheme knows this,

I just had to write this tonight in this moment.

Thank your u HRH Phillip.Duke Of Edinburgh.

The Long drive!

Through the frosted windows at minus 4 ,I opened the door,

The Diesel engine spluttered and chugged it’s way to release its energy.

Driving to Stanstead through various trunk roads and arteries I locked the doors to settle my emotional scores as such.

Arriving at the lock up ,I waited to check with the mechanic and didn’t panic,

Walking in the countryside ,hiding from the wind ,my walk refreshed me muchly,

It seemed that I climbed up and down dale in those Essex downs .

Mask wearing in the local shop but friendly folk who cope with a smile ,

Change of vehicle on my return but brought all my stuff back and my trusty bottle urn.

That vehicle with its memories,it’s early morning starts ,it’s quirky ways to count my days and evenings,

Home to dogs who don’t want hugs but walks and food .

The Long drive like life and my climbs makes me wonderful how I cope and it isn’t no joke .

Won’t be on a long drive for a while ,won’t be jumping over styles as they might give me piles!!