
He had the right Attitude,but some said it was a bad Attitude.

From early in life ,to teenage years ,to twenty and beyond,he build in his attitude.

Not knowing where he was going,not even throwing his weight around ,

He gave way to the crowd,the obvious,the safe and sound,

He just had that attitude,that spunk if you like ,that I’m not going away attitude,

That sort of attitude can carry you a long long way I reckon.

So,wether folk say you’ve got the right attitude or a bad attitude,it depends from what side f the fence they are watching from.

It depends on where they’ve come from,their tribe ,their life vibe .

You see me,I’m a survivor ,always have been,and always will be,and if you want to witness that survival thing ,then come join me.

Attitude is always divisive,it’s always controversial,it’s always sweet and sour.

Some say they have a good attitude to work,well that’s their opinion,

Others say they have a positive attitude,and that’s their opinion too,

Mine is an attitude to survival plain and simple.

It’s not a gift,it’s not even special,more just doing what it takes to get through each day .

That’s the survivors attitude.

Look people 8n the eyes ,you can see it,you can taste it,you can smell it.

It’s just attitude pure and simple.

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